Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Future Of Making Money

If you were born before 1980, your path to prosperity was quite a bit different than today.  Back then, you were instructed to get good grades, go to college, get a top-notch education, and you could write your own ticket.

Automation, technology, and massive overseas competition have altered our employment world.

Do you remember when Movie Gallery and Blockbuster were thriving businesses?  These days there is no such thing as job security.  When you work for someone else, your position can be eliminated at anytime for any reason.

Another downside of working for someone else is that it's hard to get rich.  If so, we'd already be rich by now, right?

We've created a monster with this whole 9-to-5 arrangement.  We've created lifestyles that we cannot afford.  Now, it takes a 9-5 and a part-time job on top of that just to make ends meet.

Think back, was your idea of a good life to spend your life working to provide for your family but to never see them?  Or when you did see them, were you so exhausted that you weren't mentally there?

Thanks to technology, there is a better way, but it's not for everyone.  Join us this Tuesday, January 6, 2015, for a one-hour presentation that could literally change your family tree.  The webinar begins at 8pm Eastern time and you must preregister.  There are approximately 1,000 spaces available.

This could be the most important one hour you invest in yourself and your future.  Click here to preregister.  Questions?  Please leave a comment or contact me directly on

Hope to see you on Tuesday!  Have a fantastic and productive day!

Happy New Year!

Your friend,

Sam Prindle

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