Monday, June 15, 2015

Websites And Microwaves

When I was a young, I vividly remember my Dad walking through the door with a huge box. You see, my Dad was a gadget man – an electronics enthusiast. Adding to his arsenal of a ham radio (complete with larger-than-life backyard antenna with its own concrete foundation) and a quadraphonic stereo was now – a microwave oven.

What the heck is it?”

My mind only thought this, but my mouth couldn't speak it. At my tender age, even the word “heck” might have been too bold and spicy for a boy of my limited years.

(Paraphrasing) “This is what they call a microwave oven. It's new. It's supposed to heat up stuff really fast”, my Dad proudly announced.

This technology was so new that it really sounded too-good-to-be-true. On top of that, this thing was huge, expensive, and heavy! It was Goliath compared to today's David.

As time marched on, we began to not only embrace, but love this new addition to our kitchen. In fact, it was fast and fun – who needed an oven anymore!? Later, we learned that (even though it provided an incredibly awesome light show) aluminum foil was a big no no!

Today, there are not many households in the U.S. without a microwave. We not only have to have one, but it's become a staple similar to toilets, indoor plumbing, the internet, and coffee makers – a real essential!

Another soon-to-be essential is a website. My prediction is that someday soon, websites will be part of everyone's plan – similar to having your own social media account. Whether it's for personal, business, or an organization's use; how nice is it to just key in into the address bar and there it is.

Many people are afraid of technology. Think of it this way: you don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car. You don't have to be a computer programmer, rocket scientist (boy, these people get a lot of attention), or a coder to own a website. These days, even a novice do-it-yourselfer can create a great website in minutes. Also, updating your website's content has never been easier. If you need to make a change at 3am, you have the ability to do it effortlessly.

It is very common for a group or organization to advertise a big upcoming event on a unique website where a special domain name is purchased. For example,

The good news is that more and more people are becoming more comfortable with technology with the increased use and ownership of smart phones and other mobile devices.

If your company is seriously considering developing a web presence, there are many reputable sources available. So many varieties of services and products can be incorporated to give your company, group, or you the competitive edge.

If you're absolutely lost in this area, feel free to contact me directly. Our company ( can help or if we can't, we can at least point you in the right direction.

Old dogs can learn new tricks and thankfully microwaves and websites have come a long way. Perhaps they both will make our lives easier.

For another great microwave oven flashback, check out “The Wedding Singer”. A bit different than my childhood experience, but similarly very funny.

Have a fantastic and productive day! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Domain Transfers...Simplified!

Hi all!

Thought I'd get fancy with a video!

Enter your name and email below and we'll send you a complimentary copy of "The Insider's Guide To Domain Name Transfers".

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Hope this helps. Have a fantastic and productive day! Your friend, Sam Prindle

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Are you about to start making money from home?

Intriguing idea, eh?  You bet!  Why not?  The famous bedroom commute, all the coffee you can drink, waking up without an alarm clock, working in your underwear, etc.  It has a spell-binding allure.  Why doesn't everyone do it?

It's hard.  Yep.  I said it.  It's hard.  I said it again!

Let me clarify.  Of course, it's not impossible, but it's more challenging than a lot of individuals think.  The internet marketing industry has fallen victim to clever marketing.  Desperate people (we've all been there) fall into the trap of "making thousands a month only working 2-10 hours a week".  They sign up (very excitedly) thinking this will be the end of creditors calling, no more thoughts of bankruptcy, repossessions, etc.  Many quit within their first 30 days because it takes more effort than they were originally told.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love internet marketing (a.k.a. MLM and network marketing) and I've made plenty of mistakes.  So many in fact, that I would like YOU to avoid them.  Years of experience and mishaps are chronicled in my free newsletter.  Wherever you are in your work-at-home career (or if you haven't started), this is for you.

Guaranteed to entertain, enlighten, and inspire even the most stubborn soul - backed up by my iron-clad April Fool's Day promise - if you don't find value, you may unsubscribe and receive double your money back!

Don't delay, get your first issue today (don't worry, it's free):

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Thanks in advance for becoming a subscriber. Your input is always of great value to me as well. Have a fantastic and productive day! Your friend, Sam Prindle

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Future Of Making Money

If you were born before 1980, your path to prosperity was quite a bit different than today.  Back then, you were instructed to get good grades, go to college, get a top-notch education, and you could write your own ticket.

Automation, technology, and massive overseas competition have altered our employment world.

Do you remember when Movie Gallery and Blockbuster were thriving businesses?  These days there is no such thing as job security.  When you work for someone else, your position can be eliminated at anytime for any reason.

Another downside of working for someone else is that it's hard to get rich.  If so, we'd already be rich by now, right?

We've created a monster with this whole 9-to-5 arrangement.  We've created lifestyles that we cannot afford.  Now, it takes a 9-5 and a part-time job on top of that just to make ends meet.

Think back, was your idea of a good life to spend your life working to provide for your family but to never see them?  Or when you did see them, were you so exhausted that you weren't mentally there?

Thanks to technology, there is a better way, but it's not for everyone.  Join us this Tuesday, January 6, 2015, for a one-hour presentation that could literally change your family tree.  The webinar begins at 8pm Eastern time and you must preregister.  There are approximately 1,000 spaces available.

This could be the most important one hour you invest in yourself and your future.  Click here to preregister.  Questions?  Please leave a comment or contact me directly on

Hope to see you on Tuesday!  Have a fantastic and productive day!

Happy New Year!

Your friend,

Sam Prindle