Monday, February 24, 2014

Life In The Fast(ing) Lane

You honestly never realize how much you think about food until you're fasting.  Food is everywhere.  We talk about it, think about it, look at pictures of it, etc.  I'm guilty of all the previous.  In fact, I update a daily blog called  It is the epitome of quirky.  After looking at it you might say, "who in their right mind writes down everything they eat every day!?"

As of this writing, I'm (27 hours) into a fast that's intended to last seven days.  SEVEN days.  S-E-V-E-N days.  Man, that's a long time.  But, I have to look on the bright side - it's not 40 days.  (I'll have to graduate up to that!)

Why do people fast?  Weight loss, cleansing, spiritual enlightenment, etc.  I'm sure there's more reasons that haven't come to mind yet.  I'm told that you can also achieve increased mental clarity.

So, I started planning this about two weeks ago and I'm shocked that it's happening now.  I know:  I'll make this a S-E-V-E-N part series beginning now!

Stay tuned, happy eaters.  Day 2 in all its glory scheduled for tomorrow, if I don't pass out first.  :)

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